Hilton is a brand of cigarette made by Prilucky Tobacco Company a/t British American Tobacco (BAT).

British American Tobacco is the world's most international tobacco group, with brands sold in 180 markets around the world.

BAT make high quality tobacco products for the diverse preferences of millions of consumers, span the business "from seed to smoke' and are committed to embedding the principles of corporate social responsibility Group-wide.

British American Tobacco

was established to trade outside both the UK and the USA, and grew from its roots in dozens of countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and continental Europe.

BAT has been in business for more than 100 years, trading through the turbulence of wars, revolutions and nationalisations as well as all the controversy surrounding smoking. The business was formed in 1902, as a joint venture between the UK's Imperial Tobacco Company and the American Tobacco Company founded by James "Buck' Duke.Despite its name, derived from the home bases of its two founding companies

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